TODAY: Urge your House representative to support the Preservation of African American Burial Grounds

July 23, 2024

Olivewood Cemetery, Houston, Texas

photo by: Descendants of Olivewood

Today, July 23, 2024, the House of Representatives is considering the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2025 (H.R. 8998) on the floor and a bipartisan amendment led by Representatives Adams (D-NC) and Fitzpatrick (R-PA) would secure the initial funding of $3 million for the National Park Service African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program. Your voice is critical for the preservation movement to achieve funding for this vital program.

Congress needs to hear from you TODAY about the importance of the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program before a vote on the House floor.

Please join the National Trust in asking your House Representative to support the bipartisan Adams/Fitzpatrick/Beatty/McClellan/Williams/Raskin amendment:

  1. To easily connect with House offices, call the Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121.
  2. Introduce yourself as a constituent.
  3. Explain to House offices:

"For many years, African American burial grounds across the nation have suffered from a state of disrepair or are inaccessible, and many remain undocumented.

These sacred places for tribute and memory are integral to the shared story of our American heritage.

Please support the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program by supporting the bipartisan Adams/Fitzpatrick amendment for $3 million in the Interior, Environment, and Related Federal Agencies FY 2025 appropriations bill to enable the launch of this program.

Help us preserve more and preserve better!"

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