Hudson-Athens Lighthouse, Hudson, New York

photo by: David Oliver

11 Most Endangered Historic Places

Since 1988, the National Trust has used its list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places to raise awareness about the threats facing some of the nation's greatest treasures. Now in its 37th year, the annual list has identified more than 350 sites to date, and it has proven so successful in galvanizing preservation efforts that only a handful of sites have been lost.

This year’s list exemplifies the National Trust’s continued commitment to telling the full American story, with a diverse array of sites both inside and outside the continental United States. These places mirror the complexities, challenges, and opportunities that have always been part of what it means to be American—and each have stories that are deserving of attention and care.

One theme connecting the 2024 list is the power of communities to come together to combat erasure and protect the cultural landmarks, treasured local businesses, restaurants, customs, and traditions that help tell the layered stories of those who’ve called a place home. By rallying around the places that bring these stories to life, communities are not only empowered by their unique pasts, but also safeguarding a sense of identity, continuity, and vitality for the future.

Just as the tireless work of the National Trust, its partners, and local preservationists across the country have saved dozens of previously listed sites and set many more on a path to a positive solution, so now can we work together on behalf of these endangered places. Join us in our efforts to save America's historic sites.

FAQs for America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places