Distinctive Destinations

Neill-Cochran House Museum

  • Address 2310 San Gabriel St.
    Austin, Texas 78705
  • Hours
    11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
  • Phone 512-478-2335

Visit Neill-Cochran House Museum

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The Neill-Cochran House Museum tells the story of Austin's birth and early years up to the early 20th century through the people and institutions that have called the house their home over the years. Rotating exhibit spaces expand on the installed historic rooms through art and history exhibits that tell the stories of Austin, Texas, and the United States.

Whether your interests center on local or Texas history, design and architecture, or on the stories and connections of the individuals involved with this singular house, you will find more than a few occasions to reflect on the lives that we lead today in any given tour or visit to see the collections.

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