Two Major Milestones for National Park Service (NPS) Deferred Maintenance Legislation

June 26, 2019

Today, legislation that would address the deferred maintenance backlog of the NPS and other federal agencies achieved two major milestones: The House Natural Resources Committee markup this morning favorably approved the Restore Our Parks and Public Lands Act (H.R. 1225), and the legislation reached 290 supporters, which secures two-thirds of the House of Representatives and positions the bill for a favorable vote if it advances to the House floor. These achievements today follow last week’s positive hearing in the Senate Committee on Energy and National Resources to examine deferred maintenance needs and potential solutions.

We continue to push for additional support in the House and Senate and make a strong case that Congress should pass the bill and send it to the President’s desk. Contact your members of Congress and ask them to join their colleagues in cosponsoring this bipartisan legislation. If they’re already a cosponsor, you can thank them for their support.

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