Fix Our Parks: 6 Preservation Success Stories in National Parks
The National Park Service (NPS) maintains a network of 417 parks and sites that protect some of our nation's most spectacular historic, cultural, and natural resources. But after 100 years of operation and inconsistent public funding, the NPS faces a deferred maintenance backlog estimated at $11.6 billion—of which approximately 47 percent is attributed to historic assets.
In the absence of dedicated funding, these historic and cultural sites are at risk of permanent damage or loss, but there are complementary strategies to help tackle deferred maintenance. Below are six examples of historic sites at national parks that have found solutions to help abate the problem of deferred maintenance.
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Historic leasing, or an agreement where the National Park Service maintains ownership of a historic building while a lessee has responsibility for the preservation and maintenance needs, as well as HOPE Crew (Hands-On Preservation Experience and other programs, helped save these significant places. But dedicated funding will still be necessary to address the $11.6 billion deferred maintenance backlog of the National Park Service.
Support dedicated funding for our national parks by asking your Representative to support reliable and dedicated funding that would enable the National Park Service to maintain and repair places that preserve our nation's history for future generations.