Act Now to Protect the Historic Preservation Fund

August 11, 2023

Your voice matters in preserving our nation's rich heritage and cultural identity. The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) has been a steadfast guardian of our historic treasures for over four decades, enabling communities to protect and celebrate the places that define who we are. The HPF supports State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs), and several critical competitive grant programs.

Authorization for the HPF is set to expire at the end of September 2023. We need your help to secure federal support to ensure this vital preservation work continues through the HPF. Act today to send a letter to your member of Congress urging them to support the bipartisan Historic Preservation Fund Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3350).

This bill would increase the HPF’s authorization from $150 to $250 million annually and would extend the program’s authorization for another 10 years.

In these ways, the Historic Preservation Reauthorization Act would continue federal support for preservation activities and offer greater financial security to states, Tribes, and communities as they work to preserve our past. If enacted, this legislation would represent the first increase in the HPF’s authorized funding level since its inception in 1976 and provide much-needed updates to the program.

Urge your member of the House of Representatives to support and co-sponsor the Historic Preservation Fund Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3350).

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