New State Historic Tax Credit Resource Guide and Data Center

March 01, 2023

With more than 70 percent of states adopting some form of historic tax credit incentive to support building reuse, the utility and success of this preservation policy are clear.

As states look to strengthen and tailor these incentives, the National Trust is pleased to offer a Resource Guide that offers an overview of the tangible benefits of historic tax credit programs, the elements of top-performing credits, and a state-by-state comparative analysis of key features.

Web-based Mapping Tool:

The State Historic Tax Credit Data Center tool is intended to serve historic preservation policymakers, advocates, and practitioners alike as they determine the optimal incentive for their state.

The tool allows them to compare up to three state programs at one time as well as a way to compare specific features of a state’s historic tax credit against all other programs.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation gratefully acknowledges the generous support of David and Julia Uihlein, who made the development of the Resource Guide and interactive mapping tool possible.

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