We need you to take action to protect the historic tax credit.

January 15, 2025

photo by: Kate Medley

Revolution Mill in Greensboro, North Carolina.

With a number of tax provisions expiring at the end of 2025, Congress and the White House are highly motivated to pass a significant tax bill tax during the current legislative session.

Historic tax credits have successfully converted historic schools, factories, warehouses, hotels, and many other distinctive places into modern hubs that fuel local economies, create jobs, and preserve our heritage. We now have a chance to make this program even more effective.

But we need your help.

Grassroots advocacy makes a difference. With consistent outreach to Congressional decisionmakers, the preservation community will be well-positioned to take advantage of legislative opportunities to substantially improve and modernize the federal historic tax credit.

Reach out to your members of Congress now to urge them to protect and enhance the HTC in any forthcoming tax reform legislation.

Learn more about the Revolution Mill project featured in the photo above. The National Trust Community Investment Corporation (NTCIC), a for-profit subsidiary of the National Trust, provided tax credit financing needed for the Mill House rehabilitation, completed in May 2023.

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