International Reciprocal Program

Through unique partnerships with some of the world's finest preservation organizations, the National Trust for Historic Preservation is proud to offer our Members free or discounted admission to historic sites in the following countries. So don't forget to pack your Membership Card when you travel! Not a member? Join today!

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The Australian National Trust

14/71 Constitution Avenue, Campbell ACT ▪ P.O. Box 1002 ▪ Civic Square ACT ▪ AUSTRALIA 2612
Tel: +61 02 6247 6766 ▪ Fax: +61 02 6249 1395

The National Trust of Australia is a communitybased, non-government organization, committed to promoting and conserving Australia's indigenous, natural and historic heritage through its advocacy work and its custodianship of heritage places and objects. The Australian National Trust movement was established in New South Wales in 1945 by Annie Wyatt who, along with a group of other citizens, raised community consciousness of widespread destruction of the built and natural heritage in Sydney. Each State and Territory National Trust is a fully autonomous entity in its own right responsible for managing its own affairs. The Australian Council of National Trusts (ACNT) was formed in 1965. It represents the interests of the National Trust at the federal level, provides a forum for information exchange and increasingly coordinates the work of the constituent bodies. PROPERTIES: Collectively the organization owns or manages over 300 heritage places (the majority held in perpetuity), manages a volunteer workforce of 7000 while also employing about 350 people nationwide.

Barbados National Trust

Wildey Great House ▪ Wildey ▪ St. Michael ▪ BARBADOS
Tel: +246 4262421 / 436 9033 ▪ Fax: +246 429 9055

The Barbados National Trust was founded in 1961 to preserve the unique heritage of its island home, be it historical buildings, places of natural beauty or the island's flora and fauna. The Trust works to ensure that the public has access to as many of them as possible, and actively promotes restoration and preservation. PROPERTIES: The little island of Barbados possesses not only a great natural beauty, but a wealth of architectural style – from charming chattel houses to solid parish churches, from stately plantation houses to old army barracks and much more – over 350 years of architectural history. The Trust administers eight properties, and is involved in three others.

National Trust for Canada

190 Bronson Avenue ▪ Ottawa, ON K1R 6H4 ▪ CANADA
Tel: +613 237 1066 ▪ Fax: +613 237 5987

The National Trust for Canada is a national, membership-based organization and registered charity established in 1973. The Honourable Jean Chrétien, the minister responsible for the foundation's creation, said at that time: "Maturity may be recognized in a nation when its people take thought for their past: take thought... in the dynamic sense of knowing the past as a key to understanding the present and future." The Foundation's Mission statement is " foster and encourage the understanding, promotion and sustainable evolution of Canada's cultural landscape, in particular of the architectural heritage of that landscape." PROPERTIES: During the 1970s Heritage Canada had acquired at least ten properties across the country from Dawson City, Yukon, to St. John's, Newfoundland, through its Area Conservation Program and bequests. By 1984, due to the high costs of restoration and management of the buildings, the foundation concluded its role as a property holder. Retaining only four of the original properties, Heritage Canada began to work with the private and public sector to encourage the use of capital investment in the rehabilitation of historic buildings.

Gelderland Trust for Historic Houses and Natural Landscape

Huis Zypendaal ▪ Zypendaalseweg 44 ▪ Postbus 7005 ▪ 6801 HA Arnhem ▪ NETHERLANDS
Tel: 026 3552555

Geldersch Landschap and Geldersche Kasteelen work closely together to protect their own Provinces character. In sum Geldersche Kasteelen and Geldersch Landschap manage 30 castles, historical country houses, ruins, and about 10,500 hectares of natural preserves, as well as other cultural areas in Gelderland. PROPERTIES: Geldersch Landschap - Since its establishment in 1929 Geldersch Landschap (Landscape) has managed to protect and preserve its valuable natural resources through purchasing particular grounds, or targeted management programs. Currently it protects about 120 nature sites, making up approximately 10,500 hectares of protected land -- Geldersche Kasteelen - eldersche Kasteelen (Castle),with Geldersch Landschap, manages 30 castles, ruins and historical country houses in Gelderland. They have recently arranged seven of these castles in an inhabited state, so as to provide to the public a glance into what life was like living in these extravagant castles.

Japan National Trust

4th Fl. Kaiji Center Bldg., 5 ▪ Kojimachi-4chome ▪ Chiyoda-ku ▪ Tokyo 1002-0083 ▪ JAPAN
Tel: +81 3 6380 8511 ▪ Fax: +81 3 3237 1190

The Japan National Trust was set up in December 1968 as a non-profit organization with the aim, to be implemented through the medium of citizen participation, of conserving, administering, and putting to best use the natural beauty and important cultural assets of Japan. Since the time of its establishment, the activities of the Japan National Trust have been based on three main types: surveys, research reports and promotion activities aimed at communicating the achievements of the Trust to a wide section of the public and encouraging increased membership participation. PROPERTIES: In 1984, the Japan National Trust was formally granted exemption from taxation, and began to acquire properties to restore and maintain for public use and education. To date, the Trust owns and manages ten historic properties that range from gardens, to a train and railway center, a national park, homes and heritage centers.

New Zealand Historic Places Trust

Antrim House ▪ 63 Boulcott Street ▪ P. O. Box 2629 ▪ Wellington ▪ NEW ZEALAND
Tel: 04 472 4341 (overseas: +64 4 472 4341) ▪ Fax: 04 499 0669 (overseas: 64 4 499 0669)

The New Zealand Historic Places Trust (Pouhere Taonga) is a charitable trust established by an Act of Parliament in 1954. It is currently governed by a Board of Trustees and a Maori Heritage Council. The Trust's mission is to promote the identification, protection, preservation and conservation of the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand. The distinctive characteristics of New Zealand's land and buildings are important to the way New Zealanders' shape their communities; socially, economically, aesthetically and culturally. The Trust believes the conservation of this heritage enables New Zealanders to develop a greater understanding of their history and identity. PROPERTIES: The New Zealand Historic Places Trust manages a large number of heritage buildings and sites around New Zealand, many of which are open to the public. Over forty properties are found throughout New Zealand from Northland and Auckland to Canterbury and Southland, reflecting the cultural diversity of the regions.

National Trust for Scotland

Wemyss House ▪ 28 Charlotte Square ▪ Edinburgh, EH2 4ET ▪ SCOTLAND - UK
Tel: +44 0 131 243 9300 ▪ Fax: +44 0 131 243 9301 ▪

The National Trust for Scotland is the conservation charity that protects and promotes Scotland's natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy. With over 250,000 members it is the largest conservation charity in Scotland and it depends for its support on donations, legacies, grants and membership subscriptions. Established in 1931, at the initiative of the Assoc. for the Protection of Rural Scotland, the Trust acts as guardian of the nation's magnificent heritage of architectural, scenic and historic treasures. The Trust is also an independent charity and not a government department, acting on behalf of everyone to safeguard their heritage. PROPERTIES: The National Trust for Scotland has over 100 places to visit, ranging from grand castles to the scenes of epic battles and glorious gardens to spectacular islands. They also have a wide range of events taking place throughout the year for all the family to enjoy, ranging from guided walks and craft fairs to concerts and battle re-enactments.

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