• House Committee Advances Bill to Fully Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund

    June 26, 2019

    Efforts to fully fund one of our nation’s best conservation and preservation programs took an important step forward last week. On June 20, the House Natural Resources Committee voted 21-13 to advance the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Permanent Funding Act (H.R. 3195). Despite LWCF’s popularity and effectiveness in conserving our historic and recreation heritage, less than half of the funding set aside for the fund has been used for its intended purposes since the program was created in 1965. This legislation would fix the shortfall going forward by guaranteeing fully funding for this crucial program at $900 million annually.

    Ask your representative and senators to cosponsor the LWCF Permanent Funding Act today.

  • Permanent reauthorization of LWCF

    March 12, 2019

    Yes! Today the president signed into law a package of public lands bills that reauthorizes vital programs and supports the preservation of a diverse array of landscapes and historic sites.

    The most significant public lands legislation in a decade includes the passage of several key preservation priorities, including the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

    Now, learn more about the preservation and public lands initiatives that have been positively impacted by this bill.

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