Good News for the Historic Ashley River Road

November 08, 2019

We are very pleased to report that thanks to more than 450 public comments, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has revised its plans to improve a portion of the historic Ashley River Road in Dorchester County, South Carolina.

In October 2019, we asked you to submit comments on SCDOT’s original proposed designs, which included two alternatives that would have likely negatively impacted the historic and natural character of the Ashley River Road and larger Ashley River Historic District with the removal of 283 or 58 trees. The National Trust’s comments are available here.

In response to the majority of the public comments opposing the plans, SCDOT announced last week that it has developed a refined design that will improve safety through the combination of more sensitive changes (repaving the road, paving a 3-foot shoulder, adding rumble strips, adding wider and brighter pavement markings, etc.), increased traffic enforcement, and a lower speed limit—all with no trees impacted. SCDOT’s statement on the refined plan is available here.

Thank you to everyone that submitted comments to help protect the iconic cultural landscape of this National Treasure!

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