Wintersburg Uncovered!

June 27, 2016 by Kevin Sanada

Last month, we reached a milestone – the owner of the Historic Wintersburg site publicly announced that there is now no plan to demolish any of the historic structures! Years of grassroots advocacy, expert analysis, lots of hard work, and its placement on 2014’s 11 Most Endangered List have demonstrated this place’s important story, incredible rarity, and unique potential as a community benefit and true National Treasure.

But while Historic Wintersburg has been saved from the wrecking ball, the six historic buildings on site still face threats due to years of neglect and deterioration. Most concerning has been the growth of several large trees, whose branches grew over the Furuta family barn, 1934 church, and clergy housing (manse), becoming a serious threat to the modest structures below.


Historic Wintersburg - Furuta Barn before Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: Mark Bixby, Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force

Furuta Family Barn before clearing.

Historic Wintersburg - 1934 Church before Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: Mark Bixby, Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force

1934 Church building along Warner Avenue before clearing.

Historic Wintersburg - Manse before Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: NTHP Staff

Manse (Clergy Housing) before clearing.

With expert guidance from Historic Resources Group and Structural Focus, and with a generous donation of arborist services from Tsuzuki Tree Services, multiple trees on the Historic Wintersburg site were trimmed to eliminate the threat of falling debris and fire hazards as the first step of a comprehensive stabilization effort. The team from Tsuzuki Tree Services also cleared dry brush from the tops of the buildings, greatly reducing the strain on the 100+ year-old roofs.

The final result is a safer, more secure, and also more visible Historic Wintersburg. The full 1934 Church building along Warner Avenue is now fully visible from the street, and the full manse is now in plain sight. Next steps in the stabilization effort include fumigation and structural supports. Keep up with the latest news at the Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force’s Facebook Page. Much more to come!


Historic Wintersburg - Furuta Barn after Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force

Furuta Family Barn after clearing.

Historic Wintersburg - 1934 Church after Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: Mark Bixby, Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force

1934 Church building along Warner Avenue after clearing.

Historic Wintersburg - Manse after Tsuzuki Tree Services Clearing

photo by: Mark Bixby, Historic Wintersburg Preservation Task Force

Manse (Clergy Housing) after clearing.

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