Great News for the National Mall Tidal Basin!
photo by: Sam Kittner
The National Park Service is receiving $124,292,000 to repair and rehabilitate portions of the seawalls and shoreline along the Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park. This funding is part of the recently enacted $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill for FY2023, which included $1.9 billion for deferred maintenance projects in national parks and on public lands, thanks to the Great American Outdoors Act.
This critical funding will allow National Park Service to raise the seawalls of approximately 6,800 linear feet of the Tidal Basin and West Potomac Park to their historic functional height, improve accessibility, and plan for future sea level rise. The walkway on top of the Tidal Basin’s seawall will be replaced and widened, and the landscaping adjacent to the seawalls will be rebuilt, including the removal and replacement of approximately 300 trees.
The National Park Service will release an Environmental Assessment later this year. The National Trust and the Trust for the National Mall will be closely involved, supporting NPS’s work on the seawall repairs, while advocating for a comprehensive masterplan that addresses the many overlapping challenges at the Tidal Basin.
The Tidal Basin Ideas Lab was critical in raising awareness and demonstrating public support for the vast needs of the Tidal Basin and we thank you for your support and participation.