Painted Desert Community Complex Takes First Step Toward National Historic Landmark Status

October 20, 2016 by Sarah Heffern

Front entrance (exterior shot) of complex

photo by: Alison King

Painted Desert Community Complex

On October 19th, the Painted Desert Community Complex team received great news from Brad Traver, superintendent of Petrified Forest National Park:

"The Landmarks Committee of the National Park Service Advisory Board unanimously recommended National Historic Landmark designation for the Painted Desert Community Complex today. It will be further reviewed by the Advisory Board this fall and, if recommended at that step, it will go before the Secretary of the Interior for designation. Today's recommendation is not the end of the process but it puts this important property on the path to Landmark designation."

While there are still several more critical steps to go before the National Historic Landmark designation is official, this is an exciting beginning! We will keep you posted as the designation process moves ahead in the coming months.

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