Commissioners Approve $105M Plan to Save the Astrodome

September 28, 2016 by Tim Mikulski

In 2003, George Strait performed what was thought to be the final concert to ever be held at the Houston Astrodome, AKA the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” That’s why today we are beyond excited that one of our first National Treasures is on its way to a new life following a meeting of the Harris County Commissioners that was held yesterday afternoon.

In a unanimous decision, the Commissioners Court approved $105 million in funding to begin the process of raising the ground level of the architectural marvel to allow for the creation of 1,400 new, underground parking spaces in two levels. Once that project is complete, nine acres above it will become available as a potential venue for everything from rodeos to boat shows to concerts.

A $217 million bond measure that the National Trust supported was unable to pass a popular vote in 2013, but this new allocation does not require voter approval because one third is directly funded through the county budget and the rest is slated to come from parking fees and the local hotel occupancy tax. In fact, the cost of the project could even lower with additional historic tax credits and other business incentives.

After tirelessly working to save the building for the last several years, we would like to thank Judge Ed Emmett and the county commissioners for their tireless work to reuse this one-of-a-kind sports and entertainment icon for future generations to enjoy.

Read more about our work on the Astrodome elsewhere on and get the full funding story from Culture Map Houston.

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