11 Most Endangered Historic Places
Mitchell Park Domes
A Milwaukee landmark for generations, a unique engineering marvel, and a nationally significant example of Midcentury Modern architecture, the Mitchell Park Domes have been a center of community life and an international tourism destination for more than 50 years.
In 1958, Milwaukee architect Donald L. Grieb won a national design competition for the Domes, which were constructed between 1959 and 1967. His design featured three domes—the Show Dome, the Tropical Dome, and the Desert Dome—which contain a vast array of horticulture that one observer called “a zoo for plants.” Located in Milwaukee’s Mitchell Park, the Domes are adjacent to the Clarke Square neighborhood (one of the city’s most diverse areas) and are visited annually by nearly 250,000 people.
The Mitchell Park Domes have been a center of community life and an international tourism destination for more than 50 years.
Un punto de referencia para Milwaukee por generaciones, una maravilla de ingeniería única y un ejemplo importante nacional de la arquitectura moderna de mediados de siglo, los Mitchell Park Domes (cúpulas o domos) han sido un centro de vida comunitaria y un destino turístico internacional por más de 50 años.
En 1958, el arquitecto Donald L. Grieb de Milwaukee ganó un concurso nacional para diseñar las cúpulas, las que fueron construidas entre 1959 y 1967. Su diseño presentó tres domos (el Show Dome, el Tropical Dome, y el Desert Dome) que contienen una amplia gama de horticultura que un espectador llamo “un zoológico para plantas”. Ubicados en Mitchell Park de Milwaukee, los Domes son una atracción visitada por casi 250,000 personas anualmente, y uno de los sitios más reconocidos del barrio vecino de Clarke Square—una de las áreas más diversas de la ciudad.
Los Mitchell Park Domes (cúpulas o domos) han sido un centro de vida comunitaria y un destino turístico internacional por más de 50 años.

photo by: Carol Highsmith/Library of Congress
The Domes are visited by over 250,000 people annually.

photo by: Carol Highsmith/Library of Congress
The Domes are stunning examples of midcentury modern architecture that have also been a key part of community life in Milwaukee for more than 50 years.

photo by: Carol Highsmith/Library of Congress
First Lady Lady Bird Johnson officially dedicated the Show Dome at its opening ceremony in 1965.

photo by: Carol Speckmann
The Domes protect a rare plant collection valued at $3.2 million, with the most valuable specimens located in the Desert Dome.
The Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Task Force was charged by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors with evaluating long-term options for the Domes’ future, and released a vision in 2019 determining that a preservation solution is both feasible and beneficial. This vision would create approximately 300 quality new jobs and foster a culture of health and urban agriculture throughout the region by utilizing public-private partnerships and Historic Tax Credits. However, County officials continue to express concern about the future of the Domes.
County leaders owe it to the citizens of Milwaukee County to find a long-term preservation solution for the Domes. Multipleengineering reports as well as the Task Force vision highlight cost-effective approaches for comprehensive restoration of the Domes.
Inspiring, innovative architecture often requires equally creative solutions. The Mitchell Park Domes need a thoughtful, long-term preservation solution that will ensure they remain a beloved Milwaukee icon for generations to come. Working closely with local partners including the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance and Save Our Domes, the National Trust is advocating for a preservation solution where all three Domes are rehabbed and reused, as a community resource, with programming and sustainable financial operations.
La comisión Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Task Force fue asignada por el consejo de supervisores del condado de Milwaukee para evaluar las opciones para el futuro a largo plazo de los Domes. En 2019, la comisión publicó una visión que determina que una solución de preservación es realizable y beneficiosa. Esta propuesta crearía aproximadamente 300 puestos nuevos de trabajo de calidad y promovería una cultura de salud y de agricultura urbana en toda la región, utilizando asociaciones públicas-privadas y créditos fiscales para restauración histórica. Sin embargo, los oficiales del condado continúan expresando su aprensión por el futuro de los Domes.
Los líderes del condado le deben a los ciudadanos del condado de Milwaukee considerar todas las opciones posibles de preservación a largo plazo para los Domes. Múltiples informes recientes de ingeniería, así como la visión de la comisión, destacan enfoques económicos para la restauración completa de los Domes.
Una arquitectura inspiradora e innovadora muchas veces requiere soluciones igualmente creativas. Los Domes de Mitchell Park necesitan una solución de preservación atenta y a largo plazo que garantice que sigan siendo un querido símbolo de Milwaukee para generaciones futuras. Trabajando estrechamente con nuestros asociados incluyendo el Milwaukee Preservation Alliance y Save Our Domes, y con el apoyo del Cultural Landscape Foundation, el National Trust está propugnando por una solución de preservación en que los Domes son rehabilitados y reutilizados como un recurso de la comunidad, con programas y operaciones financieras sostenibles.

photo by: Jamie K. Johnson/Flickr
Grieb’s design features three domes (The Show Dome, the Tropical Dome and the Desert Dome) which contain a vast array of horticulture that one observer called “a zoo for plants.”

photo by: Milwaukee DCD
Grieb received a patent for his groundbreaking “Dome Building Construction” method in 1965.

photo by: Carol Speckmann
The Tropical Dome houses over 1,200 species of tropical plants—and some tropical birds.

photo by: Milwaukee DCD
In 2017, the Domes will host 26 special programs and frequent private events like weddings and other private functions.

photo by: Carol Speckmann
The three domes each span 140 feet in diameter and are seven stories tall—high enough to accommodate many trees that would not fit in a normally sized conservatory.
Mitchell Park Domes was named to the National Trust's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places list for 2016.
The Mitchell Park Domes need a thoughtful preservation solution that will ensure they remain as a beloved Milwaukee icon.
Los Domos de Mitchell Park necesitan una solución de preservación atenta y a largo plazo que garantice que sigan siendo un querido símbolo de Milwaukee para generaciones futuras.
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