Statement | August 15, 2019

Plan to Revitalize Milwaukee Domes Gets Support from Domes Task Force

Save our Domes, a coalition founded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance, applauds the Domes Task Force on last night’s passage of a resolution in support of a public-private partnership to restore the Domes and revitalize Mitchell Park. The plan would utilize Historic Tax Credits, a financing tool we have long suggested could be a source of funding for this project, along with other financial incentives, private philanthropy, and public funds. It is clear that revitalization of the Domes--rather than demolition--is the option that the public has consistently supported. During the Task Force’s extensive planning process, area residents have strongly stated that the Domes must be preserved. The plan recommended by the Task Force reflects this sentiment with the clear statement that “losing them (the Domes) would be like losing the heart of the city.”

While there are many details in the proposal that should be further refined in conjunction with the community, the plan lays out a framework for the type of public-private partnership that we believe could save and reinvigorate the Domes for years to come--a model we have seen work successfully in other communities across the nation. We urge Milwaukee County leadership to support a public-private partnership to save and strengthen this iconic Milwaukee landmark so that it can be a place that future generations can learn from and enjoy.


The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places. | @savingplaces

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