The Blue Swallow Motel on Route 66.

photo by: ©David Guttenfelder/National Geographic

January 03, 2020

Preservation Magazine's Favorite Photos of 2019

In what has become an annual tradition, I spend some time at work in advance of the new year looking back through the pages of Preservation magazine and remembering the places we've featured throughout the past year. And because I know you appreciate the beauty of historic places as much as I do, I select my favorite images to highlight here.

The nine photos I've selected as my favorites this year (including the Blue Swallow Motel on Route 66 shown above), represent some of the most gorgeous examples of photography we've featured but also a handful of memorable places I've been fortunate enough to visit myself. The types of places depicted in these photos run the spectrum from stunning architecture to serene vistas and historic landscapes. Up first . . . amazing architecture.

While architecture is often the first thing people think of when they consider historic preservation, we know that vast landscapes, neighborhoods, campuses of connected structures, trails, and sacred vistas can be equally historic and significant. Here are a few of my favorite photos from 2019 capturing places that are bigger than just one building.

Dennis Hockman

Dennis Hockman is editor in chief of Preservation magazine. He’s lived in historic apartments and houses all over the United States and knows that all old buildings have stories to tell if you care to find them.

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