April 11, 2016

19% of You Are Accidental Preservationists

  • By: Julia Rocchi

Remember that time we asked, "What kind of preservationist are you?" Turns out that the vast majority of you are PEOPLE preservationists, CLASSIC preservationists, and ACCIDENTAL preservationists—further (albeit internet-based and thus slightly unscientific) proof that saving places matters to many different people for many different reasons, from preserving significant architecture to capturing overlooked history to making sense of the world around us.

Curious about the different types? Here's how we define each bucket:

Preservationist Quiz Results Chart

Accidental Preservationist

To you, preservation just makes sense; it is economic and practical. You may not have started out as a preservationist, but you believe in reusing old spaces for new uses. You are driving the new wave of preservation.

Artisan Preservationist

Preservation is your skillset. You are the one drawing up the plans, inspecting old systems, and putting the hammer to the nail. You get preservation done.

Classic Preservationist

You have been a preservationist your whole life. You love architecture and old places, and you speak for their unique character. Preservation is your passion.

Green Preservationist

You care about the earth and see preservation as a prime way of sustaining it. You are saving the world and giving preservation a meaningful role, all in one.

People Preservationist

You believe that preservation is good for people and their communities. It can unite strangers and recall a history not always documented in textbooks. You make preservation relevant.

Vocal Preservationist

You are outspoken and active. You believe that law and policy should be used for public good. You have the knowledge and courage to get things done.

Think you got exactly the right outcome when you took it the first time, or do you want a redo? Check out the quiz again to see where you fall on the Saving Places spectrum!

Julia Rocchi

Julia Rocchi was the senior director of digital marketing at the National Trust. By day she wrangles content; by night (and weekends), she shops local, travels to story-rich places, and gawks at buildings.

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