Historic Artists' Homes and Studios Stories
The Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios program is a coalition of museums that were the homes and working studios of American artists. Each story in this collection reflects the role these places played as catalysts for creativity, while also sharing the inspiration and experiences of each artist's life.
Telling the Full American Story Stewarding Native American Stories: A Conversation with Blue Tarpalechee -
Saving America's Historic Sites Gathering Together: 8 Kitchens at the Heart of Historic Homes -
Saving America's Historic Sites Finding Art in Everyday Life at Robert Dash’s Madoo Conservancy -
LGBTQ+ History Take a Tour of the Historic Homes of 5 LGBTQ+ Artists -
Saving America's Historic Sites One Day in History: The Legacy of Aminah Robinson -
Preservation Magazine Inside the Home and Studio of a 19th-Century Artist Power Couple -
Where Women Made History Bring Questions, Not Answers: A New Approach for the Future of Stone Quarry Art Park -
Preservation Magazine Noah Purifoy's Outdoor Artistry Endures in Joshua Tree, California -
Saving America's Historic Sites Saving Places Together: What We Keep Keeps Us -
Saving America's Historic Sites An Artist in His Studio: The Enduring Vision of Norman Rockwell
13 - 24 of 54 stories
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