Modern Architecture Stories
Technical innovation, experimentation, and rethinking the way humans lived in and used the designed environment, whether buildings or landscapes, were hallmarks of modern architectural practice. Learn more about these fascinating places and the future-minded thinkers who brought them into being.
Preservation Magazine Paul Rudolph's Cocoon House Emerges Newly Restored -
Modern Architecture Mies van der Rohe, Architectural Visionary -
Modern Architecture A Brief History of Bauhaus Architecture -
Modern Architecture The Ultimate Architectural Road Trip of East Coast Midcentury Modernism -
40 Under 40: Places 40 Places Under 40 Years Old: History -
Modern Architecture The Face Behind Pittsburgh’s Modernism -
Modern Architecture QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Architecture? -
Frank Lloyd Wright QUIZ: Which Frank Lloyd Wright Building Are You? -
Frank Lloyd Wright QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Frank Lloyd Wright? -
Modern Architecture Achieving Modern Life in Historic Eichler Homes
73 - 84 of 192 stories
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