Starter Kit Stories
Buying a historic house with the intention of fixing it up is a significant undertaking that can come with its share of surprises. Understanding how to ask the right questions before you begin restoring, renovating, or rehabilitating is key to the overall success of your project. These toolkits will help give you an idea of what to consider and how to find sensible solutions as you look to refurbish your newly acquired treasure.
Preservation Tips and Tools What’s Historically Appropriate for Your House? Here Are 7 Ways to Find Out -
Preservation Tips and Tools Should You Hire a Professional? -
Preservation Tips and Tools How to Plan Your Restoration or Rehabilitation Project -
Preservation Tips and Tools 10 Tips: Restoring vs. Rehabilitating Your Historic House -
Preservation Tips and Tools 10 Tips for Finding Clues to Your Home’s History
All 5 stories
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