Distinctive Destinations

Rock Ford Plantation

photo by: Rock Ford Plantation

Historic Rock Ford

  • Address 881 Rockford Road
    Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
  • Hours
    10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
  • Phone 717-392-7223

Visit Historic Rock Ford

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Historic Rock Ford is the preserved 18th-century home of Edward Hand, who served as Adjutant General to George Washington during the American Revolution. Today, Rock Ford is comprised of 33 acres at the southeastern edge of Lancaster City, surrounded by Lancaster County Central Park. The mansion is on the National Register of Historic Places and is recorded in the Historic American Building Survey. Rock Ford is widely considered to be one of the most important examples of Georgian domestic architecture surviving in Pennsylvania and the most intact building predating 1800 in Lancaster County. The mansion’s elegant rooms are furnished with an outstanding collection of period furnishings and decorative arts. Rock Ford offers visitors an authentic example of refined country living as it existed during the early years of the Republic.

Guided tours available April through October.

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