Key Appropriations Bills for Historic Preservation Advance in the House and Senate

August 01, 2024

Progress on fiscal year (FY) 2025 annual appropriations continues following recent action in the House of Representatives and Senate on key preservation priorities.

On June 28, the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee debated, and ultimately passed, the initial version of the bill that will fund most preservation-related programs, including the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF).

The full Appropriations Committee advanced the same bill on July 9, and it was passed by the full House on July 24.

The House bill included $168.9 million for the HPF and following a voice-voted amendment on the House floor prior to passage, also contains $3 million for the newly authorized African American Burial Grounds Program.

Now, attention switches to the Senate after the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee reviewed, debated, and passed their version of FY 2025 funding on July 25.

Included in the legislation was an increase of $1 million for State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs) and a $2 million increase for Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs) over current enacted levels, along with $2 million for the African American Burial Grounds Program.

It also included a one-year extension of the HPF’s authorization, matching the House-passed version earlier that week.

As Congress enters the August summer recess, further action by Congress will be required to advance the FY 2025 funding process when they return in September. As in years past, consideration of the FY 2025 funding bills will likely run past September 30 and a continuing resolution (CR) will be required to avoid a government shutdown.

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