Take Action Now on Annual Federal Historic Preservation Funding

June 26, 2024

Each year, the U.S. Congress engages in a lengthy process to determine funding levels for every agency and program supported by the federal government, including the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF).

In a process called a “markup,” the U.S. House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee is scheduled to debate and write the legislation that funds the Department of the Interior and other agencies for fiscal year (FY) 2025 on June 28.

This markup is the beginning of the formal appropriations process in Congress and will signal the likely funding levels for federal agencies and programs.

Historic preservationists have advocated to Congress this year supporting $225 million for the HPF, which reflects the need across the field. Ahead of this markup on June 28, members of Congress need to hear from you, their constituents, that the HPF is important and should be robustly funded.

Take two minutes now to reach out to your members of Congress today to encourage them to support $225 million for the HPF in FY 2025!

Join us in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 28-30, 2024. Registration is open!

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