Leading the Change Together: Acknowledgements

The National Trust would like to thank the many organizations and individuals who contributed their time and expertise to inform the development of the framework for Leading the Change Together: A National Impact Agenda.

We are deeply indebted to the National PastForward Steering Committee who provided oversight and feedback and different stages of development. This includes Jeffrey Andersen, Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios; Jackie Barton, Cultural Heritage Partners and Birch Wood Planning; Vedet Coleman-Robinson, Association of African American Museums; Sam Collins III, Stringfellow Orchards (National Trust Advisor); Lisa Craig, The Craig Group; Scott DeMartino, Dentons and DC Preservation League; Carl Elefante, FAIA, 2018 American Institute of Architects (AIA) President; Erik Hein, National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers; Cindy Heitzman, California Preservation Foundation and National Preservation Partners Network’s Education and Advocacy Committee; Beth Henriques, Chesterwood Advisory Council; Sojin Kim, Ph.D. Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage and Asian & Pacific Islander Americans in Historic Preservation; Elon Cook Lee, Historic Sites Department, National Trust for Historic Preservation; Jennifer Meisner, King County (WA) Planning Office; Raina Regan, author and creator of Uplifting Preservation and Program Analyst/NPS Liaison for Grants Programs at Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; Elizabeth Rosin, Rosin Preservation; Matt Schoen, recent graduate, University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program; Edward Torrez, Architect, Bauer Latoza Studio, Ltd. (National Trust Advisor); Lindsey Wallace, Main Street America and board member, National Preservation Partners Network.

We also want to recognize the individuals who helped to coordinate focus groups, Town Halls at PastForward 2020, or served as advisors for this effort including Desiree Aranda, Latinos in Heritage Conservation; Ken Bernstein, City of Los Angeles; Molly Baker, NTHP HOPE Crew; Jackie Barton, Cultural Heritage Partners; Pam Bowman, NTHP; Peri Boylan, NTHP; Elon Cook Lee, NTHP Historic Sites; Lisa Craig, The Craig Group; Amanda Davis, NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project; Jeffrey (“Free”) Harris, Rainbow Heritage Network and Virginia Board of Historic Resources; Rebecca Harris, National Preservation Partners Network; Eric Hein, National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers; Natalie Henshaw, Preservation Maryland’s Campaign for the Historic Trades; Milan Jordan, NTHP HOPE Crew; Cory Kegerise, National Alliance of Preservation Commissions; Katie Levesque, University of Pennsylvania; Amalia Leifeste, National Council of Preservation Educators; Michelle Magalong, Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Historic Preservation; Sarah Marsom, Independent Consultant; Randy Mason, University of Pennsylvania; Bonnie McDonald, Landmarks Illinois and National Preservation Partners Network board member; Stephanie Paul, National Association of Preservation Commissions; Shanon Shea Miller, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation; Barry Steifel, National Council of Preservation Educators; Tiffany Tolbert, National Trust African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund; Carrie Villar, National Trust Historic Sites; and Lindsey Wallace, Main Street America.

During more than 65 listening sessions the National Trust tried to reach as many different perspectives across the preservation movement as possible, and this outreach is still ongoing. We hired coordinators in the field to help us reach more people and expand our outreach networks. We sought to reach people both within the preservation field and in allied fields. The individuals who have joined our focus groups represent many distinct, yet intersecting and overlapping passions, identities, and practices, with many representing multiple interests and activities across the field. In total, we heard from more than 700 people directly, including African American preservationists, architects, architectural historians, Asian American preservationists, big city planners, community development professionals, preservation consultants, Diversity Scholars, emerging preservation professionals in the first 10 to 15 years of their careers, federal agencies, government agencies, historians, historic sites, humanities organizations, Latinx preservationists, local preservation nonprofits, LGBTQ preservationists, Main Street coordinators (rural and urban), museum professionals, National Trust Advisors, Native Hawaiian preservationists, Pacific Islander preservationists, preservation commissions, preservation educators, preservation trades professionals, public historians, public land advocates, State Historic Preservation Officers; statewide preservation nonprofits and steering committee members for PastForward. In addition, listening sessions at national conferences and meetings including Main Street Now, the National Preservation Partners Network spring retreat and PastForward conference provided additional opportunities for small group listening sessions.

Many influential projects exploring contemporary issues and calls for change within the field are guiding the way. As part of this process, the National Trust is also surveying past reports, summaries of convenings, and publications to build on a wealth of insights the movement has generated in recent years. The projects below from last five years have helped shape our collective understanding of what opportunities exist for the future of our movement.

  • The Relevancy Project (2019 - Ongoing), led by Bonnie McDonald of Landmark Illinois and supported by a James Marston Fitch Charitable Foundation Mid-Career Fellowship and a Peter H. Brink grant from the National Trust.
  • Preservation Field Survey (2020 – Ongoing), led by PennPraxis and supported by The 1772 Foundation.
  • Preservation is For People (2017), led by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
  • Issues in Preservation Policy, Preservation and Social Inclusion (2020), led by Columbia University GSAPP.
  • Convening: Is Historic Preservation Facing a Crisis of Relevance? (2019), led by Randall Mason and Patrice Frey, supported by the 1772 Foundation.
  • Challenges and Innovations Survey (2019), led by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
  • The National Historic Preservation Program at Fifty: Priorities and Recommendations for the Future (2016), led by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

We would also like to thank the National Trust’s core team facilitating this effort. The team was led by Di Gao, Renee Kuhlman, and Rob Nieweg and supported by Amy Webb, Jim Lindberg, and Leslie Canaan. Many other members of the National Trust’s executive leadership, staff, Advisors, and Board of Trustees also provided valuable feedback and insights that have helped to inform this agenda for change.

Many individuals contributed important perspectives and expertise through focus group discussions in 2020 and 2021. Leading the Change Together would not have been possible without the focus group participants (PDF). Some individuals attended more than one focus group reflecting multiple affiliations.

Please note that ideas in raised in each focus group that are elevated in the National Impact Agenda may not represent the views of all who participated in that focus group. If you would like to update your affiliation, please email us at nationalimpactagenda@savingplaces.org.

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