Telling the Full History Preservation Fund
These grants recognize projects that interpret and preserve historic places of importance to underrepresented communities.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, together with National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), is pleased to announce the recipients of the Telling the Full History Preservation Fund. Made possible with support from NEH through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, the Telling the Full History grant program helps interpret and preserve historic places of importance to underrepresented communities across states and territories of the United States.
With $2.5 million in grants awarded across 39 states to 80 organizations, these projects demonstrate how preservation is a powerful tool for advancing justice and equity as well as for expanding the vitally important humanities infrastructure of our nation.
We invite you to explore these projects via the interactive map and list below.
Grant Recipients
The 80 diverse grantees reflect compelling places and inspiring stories, showcasing the multi-layered intersections of underrepresented communities of people. What's more, they model innovative approaches and inclusive participation, and they are particularly relevant to our challenging times and the need to reckon with history and legacies.
Grants were awarded in four categories:
- Research, planning, and implementation of interpretation programs
- Research and documentation for local, state, and federal designations
- Architectural design and planning to preserve and activate historic places
- Training workshops to support interpretation and preservation of historic places
You can view a PDF version of the list here.
Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry, Roxbury, MA
Roxbury Meetinghouse Intergenerational Tours Program
University of Maine, Orono, ME
A Million Sunrises at Schoodic: Training and Research on the Muted Histories at Frazer Point, ME
Greater Portland Landmarks, Portland, ME
Underrepresented Portland Survey
New Hampshire
UNH Center for the Humanities, Durham, NH
Homelands: An Augmented Reality App Interpreting Indigenous Heritage in New Hampshire
New Jersey
Asbury Park African American Music Project Inc., Asbury Park, NJ
The Turf Club: A Celebration of the Cultural Heritage of Asbury Park’s African American Community
New York
Casita Maria, Inc., Bronx, NY
Love and Resilience: A Documentary Redefining the South Bronx through its Music
East New York Community Land Trust, Brooklyn, NY
Putting the “Brook” Back in Brooklyn: Collaborative Neighborhood Cultural and Ecological Heritage
Thomas Cole Historic House, Catskill, NY
Digital and Analog Storytelling on Two Women Who Owned and Labored at the Thomas Cole Historic Site
The Hart Island Project, New York, NY
Hart Island City Cemetery: Create Self-Guided Tour and Wayfinding Map for Mobile Devices
Washington Street Historical Society, New York, NY
Little Syria, NYC: An Immersive Augmented Reality Touring App
Think!Chinatown, New York, NY
Our Chinatown Landmarks: Virtual & Site-Specific Exhibits of our Neighborhood Stories
Demuth Foundation, Lancaster, PA
Charles Demuth Home & Studio: Research & Planning for Reinterpretation to Include LGTBQ Themes
Philadelphia Folklore Project, Philadelphia, PA
Making a Homeplace: Sustaining the Historically Black Neighborhood of Swarthmore
Rhode Island
City of Providence, Providence, RI
Community Design Studios for Broad Street Urban Trail Heritage Installations
Warren Preservation Society Inc., Warren, RI
Creation of a Feasibility Study to Establish Sowams as a National Heritage Area
The Elmore Bolling Initiative, Lowndesboro, AL
The Lowndesboro School: Create a Plan for its Use as a Museum and Education Center
Selma Dallas County Historic Preservation Society, Selma, AL
Edistone Hotel: Structural Documentation
Elaine Legacy Center Inc., Elaine, AR
If These Walls Could Talk: Preservation of the History of the Elaine Museum Building
District of Columbia (D.C.)
Empower DC-244-9119, Washington, D.C.
DC Legacy Project—Barry Farm/Hillsdale
FDR Memorial Legacy Committee, Washington, D.C.
FDR Memorial—Filming to Produce Educational Content
NATHPO, Washington, D.C.
Characterizing Tribal Cultural Landscapes: How-To Workshop with Template for Tribal Data Collection
Florida Black Historical Research Project, Inc., Miami, FL
Seminole Maroon Family Reunion @ Loxahatchee River Battlefield Park
Miami Dade College, Miami, FL
Architectural and Interpretive Planning for the Enhanced Exile Experience at The Freedom Tower
St. Johns County Cultural Council, Inc., St. Augustine, FL
Beach Wade-ins and the Civil Rights Movement in St. Augustine Exhibition and App
Springfield Community Center, Inc., Union Point, GA
Springfield School- Architectural Design and Planning
Shawnee Indian Manual Boarding School, Fairway, KS
Support for Development of Historic Structures Report
Oxmoor Farm Foundation, Inc., Louisville, KY
Interpretation and Implementation of an Exhibit on Oxmoor Farm's Enslaved Community
Acadiana Growers Alliance, New Iberia, LA
Lil' Brooklyn: Research for Historic District Designation
Whitney Plantation, Wallace, LA
Whitney Plantation: Building Educational Capacity for Student and Teacher Engagement
Historic Sotterley, Inc., Hollywood, MD
Historic Sotterley: Common Ground for the Common Good
North Carolina
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice, Durham, NC
Pauli Murray Center: Research and Create New Place-Based and Literature-Based Programming
Nikwasi Initiative, Franklin, NC
Telling the Full Story on Cherokee Trails
The Alliance for Historic Hillsborough, Hillsborough, NC
Historic Hillsborough: Telling the Full Story
Rosenwald Center for Cultural Enrichment, Snow Hill, NC
Best Chapel School Rural Vicinity: Research for Local, State and Federal Designations
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Durant, OK
Wheelock Academy Interpretative Panel Replacement & Rose Walkway Restoration
South Carolina
Town of Atlantic Beach, South Carolina, Atlantic Beach, SC
Atlantic Beach Public Access Historical Walkway Project
The Lynching Sites Project of Memphis, Memphis, TN
App for Augmented Reality at Historic Shelby County Lynching Sites
Nashville Sites, Nashville, TN
Researching and Interpreting LGBTQ+ History in Nashville, TN
Latinitas, Austin, TX
Resilience-Logues: Creative Asset Mapping of East Austin’s LatinX Communities Using VR
Department of Cultural Preservation, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, El Paso, TX
Telling the Full History of Na hluhi tui (the Old Village)
The County of El Paso, El Paso, TX
Casa Ronquillo Historic Site Masterplan
Esperanza Peace & Justice Center, San Antonio, TX
Rinconcito de Esperanza: Develop Public Programs and Educational Materials
City of Socorro, Texas, Socorro, TX
Rio Vista Farm Connections Project
Shenandoah Valley Black Heritage Project, Inc., Harrisonburg, VA
Root Run Deep; African American History Tours of the Shenandoah Valley
Friends of Sons and Daughters of Ham, Inc., Richmond, VA
Sons and Daughters of Ham Cemetery: Restoration and Historic Importance Sharing
Northeast Iowa RCD, Postville, IA
Northeast Iowa's Neutral Zone: Develop Native American Interpretative Kiosks & Self-Guided Tour
BIG, NFP, Chicago, IL
Research & Documentation: The Story of Emmett and Mamie Till-Mobley House: A Family & A Neighborhood
Pui Tak Center, Chicago, IL
Pui Tak Center/On Leong Merchant Association Building: State/Federal Landmark Status
South Side Community Art Center, Chicago, IL
South Side Community Arts Center Preservation and Renovation Plan for Increased Activation
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Welcome Video & Exhibit Guide for St. Clair’s Defeat Revisited: A New View of the Conflict Exhibit
Grand Rapids Public Museum Foundation, Grand Rapids, MI
Grand River Burial Mounds Interpretation Initiative
Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians—THPO, Shelbyville, MI
Ampersee Wellness Park: Constructing a Community History and Revitalization of the Urban Riverscape
Regents of the University of Minnesota—School of Architecture, Minneapolis, MN
Disability History as American Heritage: Mapping Disability Justice Across the American Landscape
Genoa U.S. Indian School Foundation, Genoa, NE
Genoa Indian School: Digitize Materials & Create Native-Advised Digital Interactives for the Museum
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte Center, Walthill, NE
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte Center Youth Planning Initiative, "Tribal Youth Voices Matter Project"
Sheboygan County Historical Society, Sheboygan, WI
Sheboygan County: Telling the Full History
Door County Historical Society, Sturgeon Bay, WI
Heritage Village at Big Creek: Research to Share the History of Door County Minority Groups
China Alley Preservation Society, Hanford, CA
China Alley Historic District: Restoration Planning and an Accompanying Documentary
Hollywood United Methodist Church, Hollywood, CA
30 Years of Red Ribbons on the Hollywood United Methodist Church Tower: Creating a Digital History
Fort Ross Conservancy, Jenner, CA
Develop Multicultural Interpretative Programming at Fort Ross National Historic Landmark
Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple—BeHere/1942 Exhibition
American Indian Council of Mariposa County, Mariposa, CA
Preserving Miwuk History at Wahhoga Yosemite
Ojai Valley Historical Society & Museum, Ojai, CA
Grey Gables of Ojai: Creating Interpretive Materials about America’s Most Historic Retirement Home
Regents of the University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA
Envisioning Mission San Gabriel Anew: Toward a Collection-Based and Community-Engaged Museum Gallery
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, Santa Rosa, CA
Outdoor Signage Interpreting Kashia Tribal History at the Kashia Coastal Reserve
Colorado Preservation, Inc., Denver, CO
Amache Documentary Film & Educational Curriculum Project
The Center on Colfax, Denver, CO
Preserving and Interpreting Colorado’s LGBTQ+ History for the Public
Preservation Idaho/Idaho Historical Preservation Council, Boise, ID
River Street Neighborhood: Research to Identify, Document, Interpret, and Designate
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Helena, MT
Missouri Headwaters National Historic Landmark: Archaeological Field School & Ethnographic Research
New Mexico
City of Alamogordo, Alamogordo, NM
Preservation Plan/Specifications for Dudley School (formerly Maryland School)
Bosco-Milligan Foundation, Portland, OR
Touring, Mapping, and Rediscovering the Historic Places of Portland’s Japanese American Community
Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR
Oregon Trail Interpretive Kiosk Project
The Vanport Mosaic, Portland, OR
Lost City, Living Memories: Creating a Community-Centered Digital Hub on Vanport
Central District Community Preservation and Development Authority, Seattle, WA
McKinney Center/SOIC Historic Survey and Interpretive History
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation, Seattle, WA
SeaSide Stories: BIPOC Youth Maritime Storytelling Project
Tacoma City Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Tacoma, WA
Asberry Historic Homesite: Building Partnerships to Renovate and Restore a Black Cultural Space
Maker Space 307.org, Riverton, WY
Interpretive Exhibits and Tours of the Historic Arapaho Ranch
Juneau-Douglas City Museum in City and Borough of Juneau, Juneau, AK
Burning of the Douglas Indian Village: Research, Design, & Production of Exhibition & Documentary
Hikaʻalani, Kailua, HI
Ulupo, as Told by the Kupa Aina (Natives of the Land)
The Kohala Center, Inc., Kamuela, HI
Design and Develop a Journey of Cultural Engagement Opportunities to Cultivate Pilina with Niuliʻi
Funding for the Telling the Full History Preservation Fund has been provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the NEH Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan (#SHARP) initiative.
Created in 1965 as an independent federal agency, the National Endowment for the Humanities supports research and learning in history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities by funding selected, peer-reviewed proposals from around the nation. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Humanities and its grant programs is available at neh.gov.
Telling the Full History Preservation Fund Guidelines