Stand with Bears Ears! Urge Washington to Protect this Priceless Cultural Landscape

December 04, 2017

Today, President Trump announced an 85 percent reduction in the land area of Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah. This is a monumental mistake. Join us in urging your lawmakers in Washington to show their support for the preservation of this priceless cultural landscape.

In the words of Utah Navajo elder, Mark Maryboy, “Bears Ears is one of the last undisturbed areas our people have.” It is “full of historic, archeological, and paleontological sites, and biological and ecological species that need protection. For those reasons, it’s very important that we protect the earth, the plants, and special ceremonial places in Bears Ears for future generations—not just for Native Americans, but for everybody.”

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) recently introduced legislation that would expand the boundaries of the Bears Ears National Monument to match the original 1.9 million acre national monument proposal from the five tribes that proposed the Bears Ears National Monument designation to the Obama administration. Gallego’s bill would also ensure that management decisions affecting the monument would reflect tribal expertise and traditional and historical knowledge.

Let’s show Washington that we care about the future of one of our nation’s most important cultural landscapes.

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