Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force recommendation

March 19, 2019

Last week, the Domes were front page news. You may have seen this Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel piece or the other news outlets that reported the consultant to the Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force recommended knocking down the Domes.

As you might have guessed, “the recommendation of bulldozing the Domes and combining with the museum at a shared facility landed with a thud.”

The National Trust and Milwaukee Preservation Alliance were happy to see many county elected officials reaffirm that the current County Board policy is still to repair and restore the Domes. As Milwaukee County Board Chairman Theo Lipscomb noted, “The Domes Task Force is involved in a more extensive analysis than the Museum Task Force, and they are charged with drafting recommendations that I believe will lead to the repair and preservation of the Domes.”

Please mark your calendars for April 3, 2019, when the Milwaukee Public Museum Task Force will hold a joint meeting with the Domes Task Force at 5:30 p.m. at the Gordon Park Pavilion (2828 North Humboldt Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI 53212).

Prior to the meeting, we will share more information about how Domes supporters can participate and voice their support. The Save Our Domes Coalition firmly believes a future for the Domes based on preservation and rehabilitation would be the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable approach. Thank you for your support!

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