Nicodemus, Kansas

photo by: Homesteaders in Nicodemus, Kansas | Dana Damewood

March 25, 2024

Preservation Month 2024

People Saving Places

Historic place-savers pour their time, energy, resources (and sometimes a great deal of sweat and tears) into protecting places they care about. This May, our Preservation Month theme is “People Saving Places” to shine the spotlight on everyone doing the work of saving places—in big ways and small.

The work that you’re doing matters. Your efforts are vital in ensuring that all Americans connect with their shared history, weaving together the intricate tapestry of our nation’s story. By celebrating “People Saving Places,” your work will inspire others to join the national effort to preserve America’s historic places for generations to come.

Share how you’re celebrating with your peers around the country by joining the National Trust’s LinkedIn Group and posting information about your Preservation Month activities!

Check out our resources below to spread the word in your community!

Digital Marketing Kit

This handy resource offers ready-to-use copy and images for all your digital outreach.

Free GIF Stickers

Add some extra fun to your Instagram Stories using preservation-themed GIPHY Stickers!

As every preservationist knows, saving places becomes even more crucial when a special old place is threatened. Stay tuned for these upcoming announcements, in which we spotlight endangered places across the country and lift up the people and groups working to protect them.

May 1

Early June

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The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places.

Join us in protecting and restoring places where significant African American history happened.

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