November 3, 2015

National Register Guide, Appendix E: National Register vs. National Historic Landmark Designations

National Register vs. National Historic Landmark Designations

As fantastic as it is, the National Register of Historic Places can get a little confusing—even for a seasoned pro. But fear not, because the National Trust teamed up with Jim Gabbert, a historian with the National Park Service, to create our National Register of Historic Places Guide.

This episode rounds out the National Register Guide appendix, where we have been troubleshooting some of the finer points of the National Register.

Appendix E explains the difference between National Register and National Historic Landmark designations.

We hope you enjoy the show.

Special thanks to the President Woodrow Wilson House for filming accommodations.

David Weible headshot

David Weible is a former content specialist at the National Trust, previously with Preservation and Outside magazines. His interest in historic preservation is inspired by the ‘20s-era architecture, streetcar neighborhoods, and bars of his hometown of Cleveland.

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