August 04, 2015

National Register Guide, Episode 6: The Statement of Significance

The Statement of Significance

As fantastic as it is, the National Register of Historic Places can get a little confusing—even for a seasoned pro. But fear not, because the National Trust teamed up with Jim Gabbert, a historian with the National Park Service, to create our National Register of Historic Places Guide.

In Episode Six of our series, we explore the formula for creating a narrative statement of significance that will give your property the best chance of being listed on the National Register. This episode answers specific questions like:

  • How many criteria for historic significance are there when it comes to National Register evaluation?
  • Should my National Register nomination include an explanation of the criteria for listing that my property meets?
  • Can my property qualify for more than one criteria?
  • What is the purpose and function of the narrative statement of significance in the National Register evaluation process?
  • What themes and topics should the statement of significance cover?

We hope you enjoy the show.

Special thanks to the President Woodrow Wilson House for filming accommodations.

David Weible headshot

David Weible is a former content specialist at the National Trust, previously with Preservation and Outside magazines. His interest in historic preservation is inspired by the ‘20s-era architecture, streetcar neighborhoods, and bars of his hometown of Cleveland.

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