August 23, 2022

QUIZ: Which National Trust Historic Site Should You Visit Next?

Historic homes and buildings embody the experiences of those who dwelled in them (and through staff and guests, the lives of those who continue to visit them). When you visit a historic site, you are first introduced to the site’s surroundings and external wrappings, but as you explore it, you become increasingly aware of the humans who once occupied the space. You see where they may have rested or slept, where they ate, and what they valued. These intimate spaces grant you a glimpse into the society where others lived and breathed.

You also learn how these past societies may have influenced our current ones. Historic sites are about the present as much as they are about the past, and visiting one is always an exercise in perspective.

So, if you’re struggling to decide which National Trust Historic Site you should visit next, this quiz is for you!

For more options on historic places to explore, check out the full list of the National Trust Historic Sites.

Emma Peters is the Associate Manager to the Chief Marketing Officer at the National Trust for Historic Preservation. A history graduate, she is constantly humbled by the way past lives and societies can alter the way we consume the present.

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