Rio Vista Farm Announced as National Treasure

On Saturday, Rio Vista Farm in Socorro, Texas (just outside El Paso) was announced as our newest National Treasure as a prelude to the Chile War Festival.
Local news coverage of the announcement emphasized re-use of the site to meet community needs:
There are ideas floating around on how Rio Vista Farm could be used in the future. Some want a library, while others want recreational space. The NTHP wants to work with the community to better gauge of what's wanted.
"The overall aim of our project and involvement is to help save the site," said Sehila Mota Casper, a field officer for the NTHP. "We want to envision a place that the community wants to come and use."
Read more about the announcement — and check out a photo gallery — via the El Paso Times: Socorro's Rio Vista Farm named National Treasure.
More stories about the announcement:
El Paso Inc: Rio Vista Farm declared a ‘National Treasure’
EL Paso Herald-Post: Socorro’s Rio Vista Farm named National Treasure
Además, varios medios en español también cubrieron el anuncio:
El Diario de El Paso: Designan tesoro nacional a histórica Granja Río Vista
Agencia EFE: Sitio para braceros mexicanos es designado tesoro nacional
Notimex: Tesoro Nacional sitio que albergó a campesinos mexicanos en EUA