A Recipe for Preservation
This recipe calls for equal parts perseverance, passion, and positivity to balance out the moments when things look like they might be overbaked. While a perfect outcome may not be guaranteed, going through the process of preservation will provide essential lessons learned for your next gathering or fight.
For the Base
- 1 sense of significance
- 1 spark of intention
- A measure of trust and voice from community members (like sourdough starter, this needs to be cultivated with care and built over a period of time for best results).
- An array of preservationists
- A coalition of non-preservation partners with expertise and skills to support, and provide advice, when needed.
From the Pantry
- A glug of research
- A shake of marketing
- A measure of advocacy
- A set of tools for documentation
- A plethora of funding
- A constellation of empathy
- A handful of patience
- A dash of persistence
- Whimsy and fun to taste
All recipes start with a solid base: the sense of significance of a person, building, landscape, or cultural heritage, which is the energy source, or rather the power of place that will be used to activate connections between the past and present.
- In a separate bowl fold together the spark of intention with the trust and voices of community members along with the preservationists and coalition of partners. When blended, these elements create a goal for success. Let it rise.
- Combine this second bowl with the sense of significance before adding in elements from the pantry to create a preservation plan.
- Starting with a glug of research make sure you understand the site’s history, community context, and challenges that preservation might face, then to raise the awareness of the final product, pull together a shake of marketing and elements of advocacy to draw in a fuller flavor.
- While we would all like notes of funding to be prominent from the start, sometimes it is only with awareness that funding is drawn forward. Use documentation as needed to ensure the story of site is archived no matter the outcome.
- Season with generous amounts of empathy, patience, and persistence, along with whimsy and fun to taste. After stirring, raise the temperature through cooking and baking, and perhaps, when necessary, cool and chill (sometimes over months and even years). With time and a little finesse your recipe will be ready to serve, filling bellies, hearts, and minds for the years to come.
Historic Recipes Perfect for the Season

Add a historic flair to your holidays with 13 recipes from our National Trust Historic Sites and Historic Artists' Homes and Studios program. From classic gingerbread and spice cake to blintzes and spiked punch, we recruited National Trust staff members to test each recipe and share their insights and tips. This free Holiday Baking Guide includes step by step instructions along with notes from National Trust staff testers to help get you in the spirit of the season!