photo by: Jamie Orillion

July 05, 2018

Celebrating an Historic Campaign

The Campaign for America's National Treasures Raises $305 Million

  • By: National Trust for Historic Preservation

Thanks to the generosity of our friends and supporters, on June 30, 2018, the National Trust completed The Campaign for America’s National Treasures, having raised a remarkable $305 million—$105 million more than our original goal—to save the places that shape the American experience.

The National Trust's Board of Trustees extends a heartfelt thank you to all the friends and supporters whose generosity made possible the successful conclusion of The Campaign for America’s National Treasures. Launched in 2012 and completed on June 30, 2018, the Campaign invested a remarkable $305 million to create a stronger, more united America by saving the places where our history happened.

This landmark effort, the largest campaign in National Trust history, brought Americans together around the hopeful vision of a future where all people see their stories in the places that surround us. May we all have the chance to spend our lives rooted in the places that we love.

Every single dollar donated to the Trust counted towards this achievement, every member and supporter of our work shares in this success, and we thank you.

Extraordinary People Saving Extraordinary Places

Led by Honorary Chair Laura Bush, Campaign Chairs Lester “Ruff” Fant III, and Founding Chairman Kenneth Woodcock, the Campaign brought together an extraordinary community of friends and supporters.Their generosity, passion, and commitment propelled us past our original $200 million goal, to a final campaign total of $305 million over the past six years in support of saving National Treasures, revitalizing Historic Sites, and promoting vibrant, character-rich communities through ReUrbanism.

We extend a special thanks to pace-setting donors including Geneva and Chuck Thornton, who led the way with their extraordinary generosity in donating Thornton Gardens, their historic California estate, to the American people. Combined with a $35 million endowment gift, the Thornton’s gift was the largest single campaign contribution. Transformational gifts of $10 million or more were also received from the American Express Foundation, Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust, and the Lilly Endowment Inc.

All told, 26 supporters made gifts of $1 million or more—five of which supported National Trust Historic Sites—and more than 225 people made gifts of $50,000 or more. Annual support is the engine that sustains the National Trust’s work, and annual gifts of $1,000 or more grew exponentially, and we were honored to receive more than $12 million in new estate gifts from our Legacy Circle members.

We are humbled by the scope and depth of this support, which did so much to make our nation stronger, our lives richer, and the National Trust more sustainable. Inspired by this success, we look forward to continuing to work with all of you, our family of supporters, to create a stronger future built on the best of our nation’s past.

Through your contribution you will make an immediate and lasting impact for the future of America's most important place and communities

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By The Numbers

$305 million raised

100 National Treasure campaigns
launched in 38 states

$21 million invested in capital improvements
at National Trust Historic Sites

$463 million leveraged by National Treasures

$5 million raised to launch
African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund

400% increase in digital supporters

$1 billion annually in federal
historic tax credits preserved

50 cities empowered by ReUrbanism research

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The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places.

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