Grassroots Advocacy

The most effective preservation advocate is an informed preservation advocate. Stay up to date not only on policy advancements that are strengthening our movement but also on threats that historic and cultural resources are facing. Learn best practices for compelling preservation advocacy, and be the first to discover new tools to maximize the power of your work. With these tools, you'll develop a knack for timely, impactful advocacy.

Preservationists, like every other group of citizens joined in common cause, have the prerogative and the responsibility to let their elected officials know that the legislation they enact has consequences, positive and negative, for our historic preservation goals at home. After all, who knows better than we do how rehabilitation tax credits can rebuild our downtown? Who better to explain the full reach of the Historic Preservation Fund into plans and programs that protect our treasured heritage?

You can be a strong voice for heritage resources in your community, a role preservationists play every day through every action undertaken to preserve historic sites. The key: establishing positive long-term, working relationships with your legislators, laying the groundwork for taking specific action when the need or the opportunity arises.

Just Do It! Grassroots Advocacy for Preservation


  • A Blueprint for Lobbying Basic (PDF) includes an explanation of the legislative process with step-by-step instructions for effective letters, emails, phone calls, and meetings with elected officials.
  • Our Advocacy Toolkit (PDF) includes five sectons: Communicating with Elected Officials, Working with an Advocacy Coalition, Developing a Grassroots Network. Growing a Grassroots Network, Media Communication for Advocacy Campaign, Lobbying and Political Action.
  • The National Trust frequently turns to grassroots supporters to help effect change at the local, state, and federal level. Visit our Action Center for current calls-to-action on preservation issues.
  • To receive regular updates from the National Trust’s government relations team, sign up for the Advocacy Newsletter.

Join us in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 28-30, 2024. Registration is open!

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